This is the Turkish Music Webring Website

This is the main site of the Turkish Music Webring! Here are links to the other sites.

Do you have a website that features Turkish music as a topic? Join the webring! See the rules page for the rules and to see how to apply to join.

I guess I made a button to go with this webring. It's absolute dog vomit, but at least it exists.

I like Turkish music. It began with Brandon Acker's Oud video where he plays Uskudara Gideriken, and it just kept going from there. Now, I do not speak Turkish, so my information may be inaccurate (you might shout, "WRONG!"), but I will try. I enjoy both the folk music and Ottoman Classical music. When I discovered IPTV, I found I can get a free live stream of TRT Muzik, so sometimes I will watch that.

I want to talk mostly about Turkish Folk Music and Ottoman Classical Music. The links to these pages are below:

Folk Music
Ottoman Classical Music

Have you never listened to Turkish music, or did you find it weird? Here are some reasons why you should at least give it a try.

"Why should I listen to Turkish music?"

Why Do I Like Turkish Music?

Honestly, I think one word can summarize it, even if it does not always apply: relaxing. To me, at least, I don't feel on edge listening to Turkish music (or, at least not in a bad way); otherwise, it all also sounds completely natural. Let me explain. I did not grow up listening to Turkish music; I really did not listen to much music on my own. My dad would play classical music in the car, but honestly it is not my thing. I also play(ed) banjo, and I do still like Bluegrass music, though I prefer the more old-timey-sounding Bluegrass instead of some more modern, corporate-sounding (no offense - it still sounds good) Bluegrass. Not too long ago, I started listening to microtonal music (in the "Western style" - I am using this designation just now to differentiate it from the microtonality of Turkish and Middle Eastern music), some of which I really like, such as Benyamind's "Namoic" album, but when I found Turkish music, it sounded "at ease". To me, it sounds like what music should sound like. Of course, this is all a bit exaggerated to make my point (of course non-Turkish music still sounds like music), but hopefully you understand. If you do not, then perhaps trying to understand the deranged ramblings of some dude on the internet is not the best use of your mental energy...

Otherwise I am an OpenBSD enjoyer, though I am writing this from a single-core Debian machine.

Thank you neocities for letting me use your disk space to store this madness.