
There are some rules that your website must follow in order to be allowed to join the webring. They are listed below.

1: The website you submit must have at least one significant "piece" of it about Turkish music.

2: Your website MUST be family-friendly. I don't think I have to elaborate on this further. If your site is not, then I will immediately reject it upon the first instance of it.

3: Your site must fit in with the ideals of the "smolweb". It should be minimal. A web browser from the 1990s should be able to display at least most of the website with little to no issues (because some people actually do this). I should be able to enjoy your site using dillo-plus on a single-core OpenBSD machine (not to say that OpenBSD is lacking in power). Additionally, please keep scripts as minimal as possible, and limit their use as much as possible as well (I am not saying don't use them because the webring itself uses JavaScript).

3.5: Further, your site must NOT spy on (track) its users. It should not be displaying ads just like the bloated sites do, nor should it use any other "tEchNolOgiEs" to abuse your users.

Preferences for Sites

Hopefully, either your site is in English, or it has an option to switch to an English-language version. Of course, with this being a Turkish music-centered webring, this is probably wishful thinking. If you submit a site and it is not in English (I presume it would be in Turkish), I will run the site through Google Translate to see what you have and make my decision from there.

"Join us now and share the websites; you'll be free, admins, you'll be freeeeee"

...but not yet. I don't have a way for you to join yet. Please be patient!
